Our sixth sense - intuition

“Learning from within”

I just got off the phone with a friend. She is planning to move abroad with no definite plan or goal - all she knows is that she needs to exit the old and explore the new. She was saying how people often question her decision based on that she doesn’t have a clear plan. At home in Finland she has a good, secure job and a beautiful apartment close by the water. Why would you ever want to throw away something so good, stable and secure for something that is so uncertain and that could end up not working out?

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked if I’m sure about what I’m about to do. Most of the times my answer has been no.

Out of all the decisions that I’ve made in my life, I’ve been more often nervous and unsure than confident and sure. But if I have learned anything in my 30 years of life is that listening and trusting our intuition is far more important than what we have ever been taught.

I believe in intuitions and inspirations… I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am. - Albert Einstein

Our natural intuition is also called our sixth sense. It’s the inner voice that speaks to you from those gut feelings that aren’t often taken seriously; most often we make decisions based on logical reasoning because of our modernized way of living, social conditioning and the constant battle between our heart and our head.

However, ideas and decisions that are felt rather than thought can often have much more value because they’re a reflection of your true self.

Did you know that if you are anxious, it’s really hard to hear your gut feelings among all the noise created by the worries? According to an European study being anxious can kill your intuition. While they don’t know the reason for sure, it’s most likely because with anxiety comes a decrease in confidence, optimism and trust in ourselves, which are all required to take a jump and go with our gut.

Controversially, listening and trusting your intuition can lead to a more confident and less anxious you. Physical signs such as stress, illness and anxiety might slowly slide into your life because your intuition is trying to tell you that you need do something differently. Finding the space in the midst of anxious thoughts might be hard, but a walk in the nature, connecting with a friend, or waking up a bit earlier to have the time time to sit down with your thoughts (before all the worries creep in) might be the best time to get in touch with your intuition.

I never thought blocking your intuition could make you sick, but it can. But that’s another story for another day.



Strengthening the connection with myself